Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sketch used for the sale of the manuscript for "A Taste of Colored Water", written and illus.d by me, publ.d by Simon&Schuster. This was the original mood I was aiming for when I first came up with the book's concept. Eventually we decided that the story itself was a tough read and that it'd make the experience more accessible if the art wasn't so heavy. I still dig this art but am happy with the visual direction which the book eventually took. Pencil, gouache, 2007.


  1. Just an fyi- one of the things that creeped me out while painting this was the way I rendered the police chief's face (dude in white shirt on right who is pointing, based on photos of the notorious "Bull" Connor-ardent segregationist who served for 22 years as commissioner of public safety in Birmingham, Alabama). I tried to give his skin this translucent, stretched quality- like a water balloon about to pop. It's an odd sensation to paint something as it needs to be painted and be both satisfied and repulsed by the result.

  2. Love the atmosphere you menage to give!Great characters and powerful illo.

  3. Thanks theartofpuro! Very much appreciate the attention you've paid to my work and blog.
